Library Io.Evaluate
Require C.
Require Run.
Import C.Notations.
Local Open Scope type.
Fixpoint pure {E : Effect.t} {A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E), Effect.answer E c)
(eval_choose : ∀ A, A → A → A) (x : C.t E A) : A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ v
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
let x := pure eval eval_choose x in
pure eval eval_choose (f x)
| C.Join x y ⇒ (pure eval eval_choose x, pure eval eval_choose y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒
eval_choose _ (pure eval eval_choose x) (pure eval eval_choose y)
Require Run.
Import C.Notations.
Local Open Scope type.
Fixpoint pure {E : Effect.t} {A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E), Effect.answer E c)
(eval_choose : ∀ A, A → A → A) (x : C.t E A) : A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ v
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
let x := pure eval eval_choose x in
pure eval eval_choose (f x)
| C.Join x y ⇒ (pure eval eval_choose x, pure eval eval_choose y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒
eval_choose _ (pure eval eval_choose x) (pure eval eval_choose y)
Evaluate the commands of a computation using other commands.
Fixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c))
(x : C.t E1 A) : C.t E2 A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ C.Ret v
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒ C.Let (command eval x) (fun x ⇒ command eval (f x))
| C.Join x y ⇒ C.Join (command eval x) (command eval y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒ C.Choose (command eval x) (command eval y)
Fixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc))
(eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc) (x : C.t E1 A) : C.t E2 (A + Exc) :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ ret (inl v)
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
let! x := exception eval eval_join x in
match x with
| inl x ⇒ exception eval eval_join (f x)
| inr exc ⇒ ret (inr exc)
| C.Join x y ⇒
let! xy := join (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y) in
match xy with
| (inl x, inl y) ⇒ ret (inl (x, y))
| (inr exc, inl _) | (inl _, inr exc) ⇒ ret (inr exc)
| (inr exc_x, inr exc_y) ⇒ ret (inr (eval_join exc_x exc_y))
| C.Choose x y ⇒
choose (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y)
Fixpoint state {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {S A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), S → C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c × S))
(eval_join : S → S → S) (x : C.t E1 A) (s : S) : C.t E2 (A × S) :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ ret (v, s)
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c s
| C.Let x f ⇒
let! x := state eval eval_join x s in
let (v_x, s) := x in
state eval eval_join (f v_x) s
| C.Join x y ⇒
let! xy := join (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s) in
match xy with
| ((v_x, s_x), (v_y, s_y)) ⇒ ret ((v_x, v_y), eval_join s_x s_y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒
choose (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s)
Module Monad.
Record t (M : Type → Type) : Type := New {
ret : ∀ {A : Type}, A → M A;
bind : ∀ {A B : Type}, M A → (A → M B) → M B }.
Arguments ret {M} _ {A} _.
Arguments bind {M} _ {A B} _ _.
End Monad.
Module EvalMonad.
Record t (E : Effect.t) (M : Type → Type) := New {
command : ∀ (c : Effect.command E), M (Effect.answer E c);
join : ∀ A B, M A → M B → M (A × B);
choose : ∀ A, M A → M A → M A }.
Arguments command {E M} _ _.
Arguments join {E M} _ {A B} _ _.
Arguments choose {E M} _ {A} _ _.
End EvalMonad.
Fixpoint monad {E : Effect.t} {A : Type} {M : Type → Type} (m : Monad.t M)
(eval : EvalMonad.t E M) (x : C.t E A) : M A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ Monad.ret m v
| C.Call c ⇒ EvalMonad.command eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
Monad.bind m (monad m eval x) (fun x ⇒
monad m eval (f x))
| C.Join x y ⇒ EvalMonad.join eval (monad m eval x) (monad m eval y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒ EvalMonad.choose eval (monad m eval x) (monad m eval y)
Module Handler.
Definition t (E : Effect.t) (S : Type) (M : Type → Type) : Type :=
∀ A (c : Effect.command E),
S → (Effect.answer E c → S → M A) → M A.
End Handler.
Fixpoint algebraic {E S M A B} (h : Handler.t E S M) (x : C.t E A) (s : S)
: (A → S → M B) → M B :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ fun k ⇒ k v s
| C.Call c ⇒ fun k ⇒ h _ c s k
| C.Let x f ⇒ fun k ⇒
(algebraic h x s) (fun v_x s ⇒
algebraic h (f v_x) s k)
| C.Join x y ⇒ fun k ⇒
(algebraic h x s) (fun v_x s ⇒
(algebraic h y s) (fun v_y s ⇒
k (v_x, v_y) s))
| C.Choose x _ ⇒ fun k ⇒ algebraic h x s k
Module I.
Import C.I.Notations.
CoFixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c))
(x : C.I.t E1 A) : C.I.t E2 A :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ C.I.Ret v
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
C.I.Let (command eval x) (fun x ⇒ command eval (f x))
| C.I.Join x y ⇒ C.I.Join (command eval x) (command eval y)
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒ C.I.Choose (command eval x) (command eval y)
CoFixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc))
(eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc) (x : C.I.t E1 A) : C.I.t E2 (A + Exc) :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ iret (inl v)
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
ilet! x := exception eval eval_join x in
match x with
| inl x ⇒ exception eval eval_join (f x)
| inr exc ⇒ iret (inr exc)
| C.I.Join x y ⇒
ilet! xy :=
ijoin (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y) in
match xy with
| (inl x, inl y) ⇒ iret (inl (x, y))
| (inr exc, inl _) | (inl _, inr exc) ⇒ iret (inr exc)
| (inr exc_x, inr exc_y) ⇒ iret (inr (eval_join exc_x exc_y))
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒
ichoose (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y)
CoFixpoint state {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {S A : Type}
(eval : ∀ c, S → C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c × S))
(eval_join : S → S → S) (x : C.I.t E1 A) (s : S) : C.I.t E2 (A × S) :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ iret (v, s)
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c s
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
ilet! x := state eval eval_join x s in
let (v_x, s) := x in
state eval eval_join (f v_x) s
| C.I.Join x y ⇒
ilet! xy :=
ijoin (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s) in
match xy with
| ((v_x, s_x), (v_y, s_y)) ⇒ iret ((v_x, v_y), eval_join s_x s_y)
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒
ichoose (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s)
End I.
Module Run.
Fixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c)}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.t (eval c) a)
{x : C.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.t x v) : Run.t (command eval x) v.
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.Ret.
- apply run.
- eapply Run.Let. apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.ChooseLeft.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.ChooseRight.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.Join.
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
Fixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc)}
{eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.t (eval c) (inl a))
{x : C.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.t x v)
: Run.t (exception eval eval_join x) (inl v).
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.Ret.
- apply run.
- eapply Run.Let. apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.ChooseLeft.
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.ChooseRight.
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- eapply Run.Let.
+ eapply Run.Join.
× apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
× apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
+ apply Run.Ret.
Module I.
CoFixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c)}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.I.t (eval c) a)
{x : C.I.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.I.t x v) : Run.I.t (I.command eval x) v.
rewrite (C.I.unfold_eq (I.command _ _)).
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.I.Ret.
- assert (r := run c answer).
rewrite (C.I.unfold_eq (eval _)) in r.
exact r.
- eapply Run.I.Let. apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.I.ChooseLeft.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.I.ChooseRight.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.I.Join.
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
End I.
End Run.
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c))
(x : C.t E1 A) : C.t E2 A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ C.Ret v
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒ C.Let (command eval x) (fun x ⇒ command eval (f x))
| C.Join x y ⇒ C.Join (command eval x) (command eval y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒ C.Choose (command eval x) (command eval y)
Fixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc))
(eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc) (x : C.t E1 A) : C.t E2 (A + Exc) :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ ret (inl v)
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
let! x := exception eval eval_join x in
match x with
| inl x ⇒ exception eval eval_join (f x)
| inr exc ⇒ ret (inr exc)
| C.Join x y ⇒
let! xy := join (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y) in
match xy with
| (inl x, inl y) ⇒ ret (inl (x, y))
| (inr exc, inl _) | (inl _, inr exc) ⇒ ret (inr exc)
| (inr exc_x, inr exc_y) ⇒ ret (inr (eval_join exc_x exc_y))
| C.Choose x y ⇒
choose (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y)
Fixpoint state {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {S A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), S → C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c × S))
(eval_join : S → S → S) (x : C.t E1 A) (s : S) : C.t E2 (A × S) :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ ret (v, s)
| C.Call c ⇒ eval c s
| C.Let x f ⇒
let! x := state eval eval_join x s in
let (v_x, s) := x in
state eval eval_join (f v_x) s
| C.Join x y ⇒
let! xy := join (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s) in
match xy with
| ((v_x, s_x), (v_y, s_y)) ⇒ ret ((v_x, v_y), eval_join s_x s_y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒
choose (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s)
Module Monad.
Record t (M : Type → Type) : Type := New {
ret : ∀ {A : Type}, A → M A;
bind : ∀ {A B : Type}, M A → (A → M B) → M B }.
Arguments ret {M} _ {A} _.
Arguments bind {M} _ {A B} _ _.
End Monad.
Module EvalMonad.
Record t (E : Effect.t) (M : Type → Type) := New {
command : ∀ (c : Effect.command E), M (Effect.answer E c);
join : ∀ A B, M A → M B → M (A × B);
choose : ∀ A, M A → M A → M A }.
Arguments command {E M} _ _.
Arguments join {E M} _ {A B} _ _.
Arguments choose {E M} _ {A} _ _.
End EvalMonad.
Fixpoint monad {E : Effect.t} {A : Type} {M : Type → Type} (m : Monad.t M)
(eval : EvalMonad.t E M) (x : C.t E A) : M A :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ Monad.ret m v
| C.Call c ⇒ EvalMonad.command eval c
| C.Let x f ⇒
Monad.bind m (monad m eval x) (fun x ⇒
monad m eval (f x))
| C.Join x y ⇒ EvalMonad.join eval (monad m eval x) (monad m eval y)
| C.Choose x y ⇒ EvalMonad.choose eval (monad m eval x) (monad m eval y)
Module Handler.
Definition t (E : Effect.t) (S : Type) (M : Type → Type) : Type :=
∀ A (c : Effect.command E),
S → (Effect.answer E c → S → M A) → M A.
End Handler.
Fixpoint algebraic {E S M A B} (h : Handler.t E S M) (x : C.t E A) (s : S)
: (A → S → M B) → M B :=
match x with
| C.Ret v ⇒ fun k ⇒ k v s
| C.Call c ⇒ fun k ⇒ h _ c s k
| C.Let x f ⇒ fun k ⇒
(algebraic h x s) (fun v_x s ⇒
algebraic h (f v_x) s k)
| C.Join x y ⇒ fun k ⇒
(algebraic h x s) (fun v_x s ⇒
(algebraic h y s) (fun v_y s ⇒
k (v_x, v_y) s))
| C.Choose x _ ⇒ fun k ⇒ algebraic h x s k
Module I.
Import C.I.Notations.
CoFixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c))
(x : C.I.t E1 A) : C.I.t E2 A :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ C.I.Ret v
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
C.I.Let (command eval x) (fun x ⇒ command eval (f x))
| C.I.Join x y ⇒ C.I.Join (command eval x) (command eval y)
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒ C.I.Choose (command eval x) (command eval y)
CoFixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
(eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc))
(eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc) (x : C.I.t E1 A) : C.I.t E2 (A + Exc) :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ iret (inl v)
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
ilet! x := exception eval eval_join x in
match x with
| inl x ⇒ exception eval eval_join (f x)
| inr exc ⇒ iret (inr exc)
| C.I.Join x y ⇒
ilet! xy :=
ijoin (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y) in
match xy with
| (inl x, inl y) ⇒ iret (inl (x, y))
| (inr exc, inl _) | (inl _, inr exc) ⇒ iret (inr exc)
| (inr exc_x, inr exc_y) ⇒ iret (inr (eval_join exc_x exc_y))
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒
ichoose (exception eval eval_join x) (exception eval eval_join y)
CoFixpoint state {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {S A : Type}
(eval : ∀ c, S → C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c × S))
(eval_join : S → S → S) (x : C.I.t E1 A) (s : S) : C.I.t E2 (A × S) :=
match x with
| C.I.Ret v ⇒ iret (v, s)
| C.I.Call c ⇒ eval c s
| C.I.Let x f ⇒
ilet! x := state eval eval_join x s in
let (v_x, s) := x in
state eval eval_join (f v_x) s
| C.I.Join x y ⇒
ilet! xy :=
ijoin (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s) in
match xy with
| ((v_x, s_x), (v_y, s_y)) ⇒ iret ((v_x, v_y), eval_join s_x s_y)
| C.I.Choose x y ⇒
ichoose (state eval eval_join x s) (state eval eval_join y s)
End I.
Module Run.
Fixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c)}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.t (eval c) a)
{x : C.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.t x v) : Run.t (command eval x) v.
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.Ret.
- apply run.
- eapply Run.Let. apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.ChooseLeft.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.ChooseRight.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.Join.
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
Fixpoint exception {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {Exc A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c + Exc)}
{eval_join : Exc → Exc → Exc}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.t (eval c) (inl a))
{x : C.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.t x v)
: Run.t (exception eval eval_join x) (inl v).
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.Ret.
- apply run.
- eapply Run.Let. apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.ChooseLeft.
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.ChooseRight.
apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- eapply Run.Let.
+ eapply Run.Join.
× apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
× apply (exception _ _ _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
+ apply Run.Ret.
Module I.
CoFixpoint command {E1 E2 : Effect.t} {A : Type}
{eval : ∀ (c : Effect.command E1), C.I.t E2 (Effect.answer E1 c)}
(run : ∀ c (a : Effect.answer E1 c), Run.I.t (eval c) a)
{x : C.I.t E1 A} {v : A} (r : Run.I.t x v) : Run.I.t (I.command eval x) v.
rewrite (C.I.unfold_eq (I.command _ _)).
destruct r; simpl.
- apply Run.I.Ret.
- assert (r := run c answer).
rewrite (C.I.unfold_eq (eval _)) in r.
exact r.
- eapply Run.I.Let. apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
- apply Run.I.ChooseLeft.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.I.ChooseRight.
apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r).
- apply Run.I.Join.
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r1).
+ apply (command _ _ _ _ run _ _ r2).
End I.
End Run.